Monday, February 27, 2012

Cutler Park

Great walk today.  The photo has been instagrammed, but it captures the almost creepy aura of the day: it was so cloudy that I thought it could rain at any moment, but there was never a single drop.

It was my first visit to Cutler Park in Needham/ Dedham.  Started at the North end of the park on the Kendrick Pond Loop (a Healthy Heart Trail) and then at .7 miles in to the loop, I veered off to the Blue Heron Trail.  Took that out for about a mile and a half and then headed back to complete the Kendrick Pond Loop.

         Total Mileage: 4.33 miles/ 10,710 steps/ Duration: 1hr., 51 min./ Pace: 25:40 per mile.

Would love to go back and complete the Blue Heron Trail, which at times required some light, easy hiking.  I'm not entirely sure how long the trail actually is.

 The trails were not paved but extremely well-maintained.  The Heart Healthy Trail is the Kendrick Pond Loop at the North End of the Park. 1.25 miles. Easy. Lots of workers from nearby business parks around. The Blue Heron Trail was also very nice and well-maintained. Well-marked. There was still enough local foot traffic to feel not alone, but there was some great quality escape from everything time.

The downloadable map from the DCR website: sort of helpful in orienting myself, but the number markers for path intersections seemed to be off or wrong or inaccurate.   The iPhone gave me an accurate pinspot of my location, and the Blue Heron trail was marked on the Google Map.  It should also be noted that there is a description on the park in Appalachian Mountain Club's book Massachusetts Trail Guide.

More info: Department of Conservation and Recreation: Cutler Park

Newton Conservators: Cutler Park

View Massachusetts Heart Healthy Trails in a larger map

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